Getting started

1. Install

bit BlazorUI components are distributed as the Bit.BlazorUI NuGet package. You can add them to your project in one of the following ways:

Install the package from command line by running this command:

dotnet add package Bit.BlazorUI

Or install the package from Package Manager Console by running this command:

Install-Package Bit.BlazorUI

Or add the package to the project from the Visual Studio's Nuget Package Manager.

Note: If you want to use the Extra components (like BitChart) you need to add the Bit.BlazorUI.Extras package:

dotnet add package Bit.BlazorUI.Extras
Install-Package Bit.BlazorUI.Extras

Note: If you need the asset files of the bit BlazorUI (like Segoe UI font for non-Windows clients) you need to add the Bit.BlazorUI.Assets package:

dotnet add package Bit.BlazorUI.Assets
Install-Package Bit.BlazorUI.Assets

Note: If you want to use the Fabric Icons of the bit BlazorUI (using BitIconName class) you need to add the Bit.BlazorUI.Icons package:

dotnet add package Bit.BlazorUI.Icons
Install-Package Bit.BlazorUI.Icons

2. Namespace

Open the _Imports.razor file of your Blazor application and add this line:
@using Bit.BlazorUI

3. Styles and Scripts

Open the App.razor, or wwwroot/index.html file and add the CSS file reference:

<link href="_content/Bit.BlazorUI/styles/bit.blazorui.css" rel="stylesheet" />

then add the JS file file reference:

<script src="_content/Bit.BlazorUI/scripts/bit.blazorui.js"></script>

Note: If you are using the Extras package you also need to add these resources:

<link href="_content/Bit.BlazorUI.Extras/styles/bit.blazorui.extras.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="_content/Bit.BlazorUI.Extras/scripts/bit.blazorui.extras.js"></script>

Note: If you are using the Assets package you also need to add this resource:

<link href="_content/Bit.BlazorUI.Assets/styles/bit.blazorui.assets.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Note: If you are using the Icons package you also need to add this resource:

<link href="_content/Bit.BlazorUI.Icons/styles/bit.blazorui.icons.css" rel="stylesheet" />