Ratings show people’s opinions of a product, helping others make more informed purchasing decisions. People can also rate products they’ve purchased.
Basic usage examples of BitRating, including disabled and readonly states.
Demonstrating different visibility options: visible, hidden, and collapsed.
Visible: [ ]
Hidden: [ ]
Collapsed: [ ]
Style & Class
Explore styling and class customization for BitRating, including component styles, custom classes, and detailed styles.
Component's Style & Class:
Styles & Classes:
Max value
Adjust the maximum rating value to customize the rating scale.
Max is 6
Max is 100
Customize the rating icons to better match the context, such as hearts, checkboxes, or likes.
Set different sizes for the rating component: small, medium, and large.
Examples of one-way and two-way data binding with BitRating, as well as change event handling.
Validate the rating component using data annotations in a form submission.
Use the BitRating component in right-to-left (RTL).
BitRating parameters
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
AllowZeroStars | bool | false | Allow the initial rating value be 0. Note that a value of 0 still won't be selectable by mouse or keyboard. |
AriaLabelFormat | string? | null | Optional label format for each individual rating star (not the rating control as a whole) that will be read by screen readers. |
Classes | BitRatingClassStyles? | null | Custom CSS classes for different parts of the BitRating. |
DefaultValue | double? | null | Default rating. Must be a number between min and max. Only provide this if the Rating is an uncontrolled component; otherwise, use the rating property. |
GetAriaLabel | Func<double, double, string>? | null | Optional callback to set the aria-label for rating control in readOnly mode. Also used as a fallback aria-label if ariaLabel prop is not provided. |
Max | int | 5 | Maximum rating. Must be >= min (0 if AllowZeroStars is true, 1 otherwise). |
SelectedIconName | string | FavoriteStarFill | Custom icon name for selected rating elements. |
Size | BitSize? | null | Size of rating elements. |
Styles | BitRatingClassStyles? | null | Custom CSS styles for different parts of the BitRating. |
UnselectedIconName | string | FavoriteStar | Custom icon name for unselected rating elements. |
BitInputBase parameters
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
DisplayName | string? | null | Gets or sets the display name for this field. |
InputHtmlAttributes | IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object>? | null | Gets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the created element. |
Name | string? | null | Gets or sets the name of the element. Allows access by name from the associated form. |
NoValidate | bool | false | Disables the validation of the input. |
OnChange | EventCallback<TValue?> | Callback for when the input value changes. | |
ReadOnly | bool | false | Makes the input read-only. |
Required | bool | false | Makes the input required. |
Value | TValue? | null | Gets or sets the value of the input. This should be used with two-way binding. |
BitInputBase public members
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
InputElement | ElementReference | The ElementReference of the input element. | |
FocusAsync() | () => ValueTask | Gives focus to the input element. | |
FocusAsync(bool preventScroll) | (bool preventScroll) => ValueTask | Gives focus to the input element. |
BitComponentBase parameters
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
AriaLabel | string? | null | The aria-label of the control for the benefit of screen readers. |
Class | string? | null | Custom CSS class for the root element of the component. |
Dir | BitDir? | null | Determines the component direction. |
HtmlAttributes | Dictionary<string, object> | new Dictionary<string, object>() | Capture and render additional attributes in addition to the component's parameters. |
Id | string? | null | Custom id attribute for the root element. if null the UniqueId will be used instead. |
IsEnabled | bool | true | Whether or not the component is enabled. |
Style | string? | null | Custom CSS style for the root element of the component. |
Visibility | BitVisibility | BitVisibility.Visible | Whether the component is visible, hidden or collapsed. |
BitComponentBase public members
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
UniqueId | Guid | Guid.NewGuid() | The readonly unique id of the root element. it will be assigned to a new Guid at component instance construction. |
RootElement | ElementReference | The ElementReference of the root element. |
BitRatingClassStyles properties
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
Root | string? | null | Custom CSS classes/styles for the root element of the rating. |
Button | string? | null | Custom CSS classes/styles for the rating's button. |
IconContainer | string? | null | Custom CSS classes/styles for the rating icon container. |
SelectedIcon | string? | null | Custom CSS classes/styles for the rating selected icon. |
UnselectedIcon | string? | null | Custom CSS classes/styles for the rating unselected icon. |
BitSize enum
Name |
Value |
Description |
Small | 0 | Display rating icon using small size. |
Medium | 1 | Display rating icon using medium size. |
Large | 2 | Display rating icon using large size. |
BitVisibility enum
Name |
Value |
Description |
Visible | 0 | The content of the component is visible. |
Hidden | 1 | The content of the component is hidden, but the space it takes on the page remains (visibility:hidden). |
Collapsed | 2 | The component is hidden (display:none). |
BitDir enum
Name |
Value |
Description |
Ltr | 0 | Ltr (left to right) is to be used for languages that are written from the left to the right (like English). |
Rtl | 1 | Rtl (right to left) is to be used for languages that are written from the right to the left (like Arabic). |
Auto | 2 | Auto lets the user agent decide. It uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then applies that directionality to the whole element. |
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