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  • SnackBar

    SnackBars provide brief notifications. The component is also known as a toast.




    Style & Class
    Item's Style & Class:

    Styles & Classes:


    BitSnackBar parameters
    Default value
    AutoDismiss bool false Whether or not automatically dismiss the snack bar.
    AutoDismissTime TimeSpan? null How long does it take to automatically dismiss the snack bar (default is 3 seconds).
    BodyTemplate RenderFragment<string>? null Used to customize how the content inside the body is rendered.
    Classes BitSnackBarClassStyles? null Custom CSS classes for different parts of the snack bar.
    DismissIconName string? null The icon name of the dismiss button.
    Multiline bool false Enables the multiline mode of both title and body.
    OnDismiss EventCallback Callback for when any snack bar is dismissed.
    Position BitSnackBarPosition? null The position of the snack bars to show.
    Styles BitSnackBarClassStyles? null Custom CSS styles for different parts of the snack bar.
    TitleTemplate RenderFragment<string>? null Used to customize how content inside the title is rendered.
    BitSnackBar public members
    Default value
    Show async Task Show(string title, string? body = "", BitColor color = BitColor.Info, string? cssClass = null, string? cssStyle = null) Shows the snackbar.
    Info Task Info(string title, string? body = "") Shows the snackbar with Info color.
    Success Task Success(string title, string? body = "") Shows the snackbar with Success color.
    Warning Task Warning(string title, string? body = "") Shows the snackbar with Warning color.
    SevereWarning Task Warning(string title, string? body = "") Shows the snackbar with SevereWarning color.
    Error Task Error(string title, string? body = "") Shows the snackbar with Error color.
    BitComponentBase parameters
    Default value
    AriaLabel string? null The aria-label of the control for the benefit of screen readers.
    Class string? null Custom CSS class for the root element of the component.
    Dir BitDir? null Determines the component direction.
    HtmlAttributes Dictionary<string, object> new Dictionary<string, object>() Capture and render additional attributes in addition to the component's parameters.
    Id string? null Custom id attribute for the root element. if null the UniqueId will be used instead.
    IsEnabled bool true Whether or not the component is enabled.
    Style string? null Custom CSS style for the root element of the component.
    Visibility BitVisibility BitVisibility.Visible Whether the component is visible, hidden or collapsed.
    BitComponentBase public members
    Default value
    UniqueId Guid Guid.NewGuid() The readonly unique id of the root element. it will be assigned to a new Guid at component instance construction.
    RootElement ElementReference The ElementReference of the root element.
    BitSnackBarClassStyles properties
    Default value
    Root string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the root element of the BitSnackBar.
    Container string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the main container of the BitSnackBar.
    Header string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the header of the BitSnackBar.
    DismissButton string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the dismiss button of the BitSnackBar.
    DismissIcon string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the dismiss icon of the BitSnackBar.
    Title string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the title of the BitSnackBar.
    Body string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the body of the BitSnackBar.
    ProgressBar string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the progress bar of the BitSnackBar.
    BitSnackBarPosition enum
    TopStart 0
    TopCenter 1
    TopEnd 2
    BottomStart 3
    BottomCenter 4
    BottomEnd 5
    BitColor enum
    Primary 0 Info Primary general color.
    Secondary 1 Secondary general color.
    Tertiary 2 Tertiary general color.
    Info 3 Info general color.
    Success 4 Success general color.
    Warning 5 Warning general color.
    SevereWarning 6 SevereWarning general color.
    Error 7 Error general color.
    PrimaryBackground 8 Primary background color.
    SecondaryBackground 9 Secondary background color.
    TertiaryBackground 10 Tertiary background color.
    PrimaryForeground 11 Primary foreground color.
    SecondaryForeground 12 Secondary foreground color.
    TertiaryForeground 13 Tertiary foreground color.
    PrimaryBorder 14 Primary border color.
    SecondaryBorder 15 Secondary border color.
    TertiaryBorder 16 Tertiary border color.
    BitVisibility enum
    Visible 0 The content of the component is visible.
    Hidden 1 The content of the component is hidden, but the space it takes on the page remains (visibility:hidden).
    Collapsed 2 The component is hidden (display:none).
    BitDir enum
    Ltr 0 Ltr (left to right) is to be used for languages that are written from the left to the right (like English).
    Rtl 1 Rtl (right to left) is to be used for languages that are written from the right to the left (like Arabic).
    Auto 2 Auto lets the user agent decide. It uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then applies that directionality to the whole element.
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