BitDataGrid is a robust way to display an information-rich collection of items, and allow people to sort, and filter the content. Use a data-grid when information density is critical.
To use this component, you need to install the `Bit.BlazorUI.Extras` nuget package, as described in the Optional steps of the Getting started page.Usage
Argentina | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Armenia | 0 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Australia | 17 | 7 | 22 | 46 |
Austria | 1 | 1 | 5 | 7 |
Azerbaijan | 0 | 3 | 4 | 7 |
Bahamas | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Bahrain | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
82 items
Flag | Action | ||||
Argentina | ![]() | 0 | 1 | 2 | |
Armenia | ![]() | 0 | 2 | 2 | |
Australia | ![]() | 17 | 7 | 22 | |
Austria | ![]() | 1 | 1 | 5 | |
Azerbaijan | ![]() | 0 | 3 | 4 | |
Bahamas | ![]() | 2 | 0 | 0 | |
Bahrain | ![]() | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Total: 82
EventId | State | City | Company | Status |
BitDataGrid parameters
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
Items | IQueryable<TGridItem>? | null | A queryable source of data for the grid. This could be in-memory data converted to queryable using the System.Linq.Queryable.AsQueryable(System.Collections.IEnumerable) extension method, or an EntityFramework DataSet or an IQueryable derived from it. You should supply either Items or ItemsProvider, but not both. |
ItemsProvider | BitDataGridItemsProvider<TGridItem>? | null | A callback that supplies data for the rid. You should supply either Items or ItemsProvider, but not both. |
Class | string? | null | An optional CSS class name. If given, this will be included in the class attribute of the rendered table. |
Theme | string? | default | A theme name, with default value "default". This affects which styling rules match the table. |
ChildContent | RenderFragment? | null | Defines the child components of this instance. For example, you may define columns by adding components derived from the BitDataGridColumnBase<TGridItem> |
Virtualize | bool | false | If true, the grid will be rendered with virtualization. This is normally used in conjunction with scrolling and causes the grid to fetch and render only the data around the current scroll viewport. This can greatly improve the performance when scrolling through large data sets. |
ItemSize | float | 50 | This is applicable only when using Virtualize. It defines an expected height in pixels for each row, allowing the virtualization mechanism to fetch the correct number of items to match the display size and to ensure accurate scrolling. |
ResizableColumns | bool | false | If true, renders draggable handles around the column headers, allowing the user to resize the columns manually. Size changes are not persisted. |
ItemKey | Func<TGridItem, object> | x => x! | Optionally defines a value for @key on each rendered row. Typically this should be used to specify a unique identifier, such as a primary key value, for each data item. This allows the grid to preserve the association between row elements and data items based on their unique identifiers, even when the TGridItem instances are replaced by new copies (for example, after a new query against the underlying data store). If not set, the @key will be the TGridItem instance itself. |
Pagination | BitDataGridPaginationState? | null | Optionally links this BitDataGrid<TGridItem> instance with a BitDataGridPaginationState model, causing the grid to fetch and render only the current page of data. This is normally used in conjunction with a Paginator component or some other UI logic that displays and updates the supplied BitDataGridPaginationState instance. |
BitDataGridColumnBase properties
BitDataGrid has two built-in column types, BitDataGridPropertyColumn and BitDataGridTemplateColumn. You can also create your own column types by subclassing ColumnBase he BitDataGridColumnBase type, which all column must derive from, offers some common parameters
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
Title | string? | null | Title text for the column. This is rendered automatically if HeaderTemplate is not used. |
Class | string? | null | An optional CSS class name. If specified, this is included in the class attribute of table header and body cells for this column. |
Align | BitDataGridAlign? | null | If specified, controls the justification of table header and body cells for this column. |
HeaderTemplate | RenderFragment<BitDataGridColumnBase<TGridItem>>? | null | An optional template for this column's header cell. If not specified, the default header template includes the Title along with any applicable sort indicators and options buttons. |
ColumnOptions | RenderFragment<BitDataGridColumnBase<TGridItem>>? | null | If specified, indicates that this column has this associated options UI. A button to display this UI will be included in the header cell by default. If HeaderTemplate is used, it is left up to that template to render any relevant "show options" UI and invoke the grid's BitDataGrid<TGridItem>.ShowColumnOptions(BitDataGridColumnBase<TGridItem>)). |
Sortable | bool? | null | Indicates whether the data should be sortable by this column. The default value may vary according to the column type (for example, a BitDataGridTemplateColumn<TGridItem> is sortable by default if any BitDataGridTemplateColumn<TGridItem>.SortBy parameter is specified). |
IsDefaultSort | BitDataGridSortDirection? | null | If specified and not null, indicates that this column represents the initial sort order for the grid. The supplied value controls the default sort direction. |
PlaceholderTemplate | RenderFragment<PlaceholderContext>? | null | If specified, virtualized grids will use this template to render cells whose data has not yet been loaded. |
BitDataGridPropertyColumn properties
It is for displaying a single value specified by the parameter Property. This column infers sorting rules automatically, and uses the property's name as its title if not otherwise set.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
Property | Expression<Func<TGridItem, TProp>> | Defines the value to be displayed in this column's cells. | |
Format | string? | null | Optionally specifies a format string for the value. Using this requires the TProp type to implement IFormattable. |
BitDataGridTemplateColumn properties
It uses arbitrary Razor fragments to supply contents for its cells. It can't infer the column's title or sort order automatically. also it's possible to add arbitrary Blazor components to your table cells. Remember that rendering many components, or many event handlers, can impact the performance of your grid. One way to mitigate this issue is by paginating or virtualizing your grid
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
ChildContent | RenderFragment<TGridItem> | Specifies the content to be rendered for each row in the table. | |
SortBy | BitDataGridSort<TGridItem>? | null | Optionally specifies sorting rules for this column. |
BitDataGridPaginator properties
A component that provides a user interface for pagination.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
GoToFirstButtonTitle | string | Go to first page | The title of the go to first page button. |
GoToPrevButtonTitle | string | Go to previous page | The title of the go to previous page button. |
GoToNextButtonTitle | string | Go to next page | The title of the go to next page button. |
GoToLastButtonTitle | string | Go to last page | The title of the go to last page button. |
SummaryFormat | Func<BitDataGridPaginationState, string>? | null | Optionally supplies a format for rendering the page count summary. |
SummaryTemplate | RenderFragment<BitDataGridPaginationState>? | null | Optionally supplies a template for rendering the page count summary. |
TextFormat | Func<BitDataGridPaginationState, string>? | null | The optional custom format for the main text of the paginator in the middle of it. |
TextTemplate | RenderFragment<BitDataGridPaginationState>? | null | The optional custom template for the main text of the paginator in the middle of it. |
Value | BitDataGridPaginationState | Specifies the associated pagination state. This parameter is required. |
BitDataGridPaginationState properties
A component that provides a user interface for pagination.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
CurrentPageIndex | int | 0 | Gets the current zero-based page index. |
ItemsPerPage | int | 10 | Gets or sets the number of items on each page. |
LastPageIndex | int? | null | Gets the zero-based index of the last page, if known. The value will be null until TotalItemCount is known. |
TotalItemCount | int? | null | Gets the total number of items across all pages, if known. The value will be null until an associated BitDataGrid assigns a value after loading data. |
TotalItemCountChanged | EventHandler<int?>? | null | An event that is raised when the total item count has changed. |
BitDataGridAlign enum
Name |
Value |
Description |
Left | 0 | Justifies the content against the start of the container. |
Center | 1 | Justifies the content at the center of the container. |
Right | 2 | Justifies the content at the end of the container. |
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