
Links lead to another part of an app, other pages, or help articles. They can also be used to initiate commands.


Navigate to elements
If you start the Href parameter with a # character, it'll look for the an element with that id and tries to scroll the view into that element.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas lorem nulla, malesuada ut sagittis sit amet, vulputate in leo. Maecenas vulputate congue sapien eu tincidunt. Etiam eu sem turpis. Fusce tempor sagittis nunc, ut interdum ipsum vestibulum non. Proin dolor elit, aliquam eget tincidunt non, vestibulum ut turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In a odio eget enim porttitor maximus. Aliquam nulla nibh, ullamcorper aliquam placerat eu, viverra et dui. Phasellus ex lectus, maximus in mollis ac, luctus vel eros. Vivamus ultrices, turpis sed malesuada gravida, eros ipsum venenatis elit, et volutpat eros dui et ante. Quisque ultricies mi nec leo ultricies mollis. Vivamus egestas volutpat lacinia. Quisque pharetra eleifend efficitur.

Mauris at nunc eget lectus lobortis facilisis et eget magna. Vestibulum venenatis augue sapien, rhoncus faucibus magna semper eget. Proin rutrum libero sagittis sapien aliquet auctor. Suspendisse tristique a magna at facilisis. Duis rhoncus feugiat magna in rutrum. Suspendisse semper, dolor et vestibulum lacinia, nunc felis malesuada ex, nec hendrerit justo ex et massa. Quisque quis mollis nulla. Nam commodo est ornare, rhoncus odio eu, pharetra tellus. Nunc sed velit mi.

Sed condimentum ultricies turpis convallis pharetra. Sed sagittis quam pharetra luctus porttitor. Cras vel consequat lectus. Sed nec fringilla urna, a aliquet libero. Aenean sed nisl purus. Vivamus vulputate felis et odio efficitur suscipit. Ut volutpat dictum lectus, ac rutrum massa accumsan at. Sed pharetra auctor finibus. In augue libero, commodo vitae nisi non, sagittis convallis ante. Phasellus malesuada eleifend mollis. Curabitur ultricies leo ac metus venenatis elementum.

Aenean egestas quam ut erat commodo blandit. Mauris ante nisl, pellentesque sed venenatis nec, aliquet sit amet enim. Praesent vitae diam non diam aliquet tristique non ut arcu. Pellentesque et ultrices eros. Fusce diam metus, mattis eu luctus nec, facilisis vel erat. Nam a lacus quis tellus gravida euismod. Nulla sed sem eget tortor cursus interdum. Sed vehicula tristique ultricies. Aenean libero purus, mollis quis massa quis, eleifend dictum massa. Fusce eu sapien sit amet odio lacinia placerat. Mauris varius risus sed aliquet cursus. Aenean lectus magna, tincidunt sit amet sodales a, volutpat ac leo. Morbi nisl sapien, tincidunt sit amet mauris quis, sollicitudin auctor est.

Nam id mi justo. Nam vehicula vulputate augue, ac pretium enim rutrum ultricies. Sed aliquet accumsan varius. Quisque ac auctor ligula. Fusce fringilla, odio et dignissim iaculis, est lacus ultrices risus, vitae condimentum enim urna eu nunc. In risus est, mattis non suscipit at, mattis ut ante. Maecenas consectetur urna vel erat maximus, non molestie massa consequat. Duis a feugiat nibh. Sed a hendrerit diam, a mattis est. In augue dolor, faucibus vel metus at, convallis rhoncus dui.

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Style & Class


BitLink parameters
Default value
ChildContent RenderFragment? null The content of the link, can be any custom tag or a text.
Href string? null URL the link points to.
NoUnderline bool false Styles the link to have no underline at any state.
OnClick EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> Callback for when the link clicked.
Rel BitLinkRel? null If Href provided, specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document.
Target string? null If Href provided, specifies how to open the link.
Underlined bool false Styles the link with a fixed underline at all states.
BitComponentBase parameters
Default value
AriaLabel string? null The aria-label of the control for the benefit of screen readers.
Class string? null Custom CSS class for the root element of the component.
Dir BitDir? null Determines the component direction.
HtmlAttributes Dictionary<string, object> new Dictionary<string, object>() Capture and render additional attributes in addition to the component's parameters.
Id string? null Custom id attribute for the root element. if null the UniqueId will be used instead.
IsEnabled bool true Whether or not the component is enabled.
Style string? null Custom CSS style for the root element of the component.
Visibility BitVisibility BitVisibility.Visible Whether the component is visible, hidden or collapsed.
BitComponentBase public members
Default value
UniqueId Guid Guid.NewGuid() The readonly unique id of the root element. it will be assigned to a new Guid at component instance construction.
RootElement ElementReference The ElementReference of the root element.
BitVisibility enum
Visible 0 The content of the component is visible.
Hidden 1 The content of the component is hidden, but the space it takes on the page remains (visibility:hidden).
Collapsed 2 The component is hidden (display:none).
BitDir enum
Ltr 0 Ltr (left to right) is to be used for languages that are written from the left to the right (like English).
Rtl 1 Rtl (right to left) is to be used for languages that are written from the right to the left (like Arabic).
Auto 2 Auto lets the user agent decide. It uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then applies that directionality to the whole element.
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