- bit BlazorUI


BitProgressIndicators are used to show the completion status of an operation lasting more than 2 seconds. If the state of progress cannot be determined, use a Spinner instead. ProgressIndicators can appear in a new panel, a flyout, under the UI initiating the operation, or even replace the initiating UI, as long as the UI can return if the operation is canceled or is stopped. Real-world examples include copying files to a storage location, saving edits to a file, and more. Use units that are informative and relevant to give the best idea to users of how long the operation will take to complete. Avoid time units as they are rarely accurate enough to be trustworthy. Also, combine steps of a complex operation into one total bar to avoid “rewinding” the bar. Instead, change the operation description to reflect the change if necessary. Bars moving backward reduce confidence in the service.


Basic ProgressIndicator
Example description
Show Percent Number
86 %

Percent Number Format
85.69 %

Style & Class
Component's Style & Class:

Styles & Classes:


لیبل تست
69 %
توضیحات تست


BitProgressIndicator parameters
Default value
AriaValueText string? null Text alternative of the progress status, used by screen readers for reading the value of the progress.
Classes BitProgressIndicatorClassStyles? null Custom CSS classes for different parts of the BitProgressIndicator.
Color string? null Color of the BitProgressIndicator.
Height int 2 Height of the BitProgressIndicator.
Description string? null Text describing or supplementing the operation.
DescriptionTemplate RenderFragment? null Custom template for describing or supplementing the operation.
Indeterminate bool false Whether or not to show indeterminate progress animation.
Label string? null Label to display above the BitProgressIndicator.
LabelTemplate RenderFragment? null Custom label template to display above the BitProgressIndicator.
Percent double 0 Percentage of the operation's completeness, numerically between 0 and 100.
PercentNumberFormat string {0:F0} The format of the percent in percentage display.
ShowPercentNumber bool false Whether or not to percentage display.
Styles BitProgressIndicatorClassStyles? null Custom CSS Styles for different parts of the BitProgressIndicator.
BitComponentBase parameters
Default value
AriaLabel string? null The aria-label of the control for the benefit of screen readers.
Class string? null Custom CSS class for the root element of the component.
Dir BitDir? null Determines the component direction.
HtmlAttributes Dictionary<string, object> new Dictionary<string, object>() Capture and render additional attributes in addition to the component's parameters.
Id string? null Custom id attribute for the root element. if null the UniqueId will be used instead.
IsEnabled bool true Whether or not the component is enabled.
Style string? null Custom CSS style for the root element of the component.
Visibility BitVisibility BitVisibility.Visible Whether the component is visible, hidden or collapsed.
BitComponentBase public members
Default value
UniqueId Guid Guid.NewGuid() The readonly unique id of the root element. it will be assigned to a new Guid at component instance construction.
RootElement ElementReference The ElementReference of the root element.
BitProgressIndicatorClassStyles properties
Default value
Root string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the root element of the BitProgressIndicator.
Label string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the label of the BitProgressIndicator.
PercentNumber string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the percent number of the BitProgressIndicator.
BarContainer string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the bar container of the BitProgressIndicator.
Track string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the track of the BitProgressIndicator.
Bar string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the bar of the BitProgressIndicator.
Description string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the description of the BitProgressIndicator.
BitVisibility enum
Visible 0 The content of the component is visible.
Hidden 1 The content of the component is hidden, but the space it takes on the page remains (visibility:hidden).
Collapsed 2 The component is hidden (display:none).
BitDir enum
Ltr 0 Ltr (left to right) is to be used for languages that are written from the left to the right (like English).
Rtl 1 Rtl (right to left) is to be used for languages that are written from the right to the left (like Arabic).
Auto 2 Auto lets the user agent decide. It uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then applies that directionality to the whole element.